Archive for January, 2007
Pure Fashion Hair and Makeup Day
Sunday, January 14th, 2007 at 09:31 | 0 commentsTags: Pure FashionIt’s Hair and Makeup Day for the Pure Fashion girls. My good friend Ben Vigil introduced me to Pure Fashion last October when he asked me to cover their opening registration day. At that day, I found out what a wonderful organization Pure Fashion was. Please visit their site for more information about the organization. Today is their hair and makeup day where I got a chance to come in and take head shots for the fashion show in a few months. The event was held at Siggers Hairdressers.
Here’s Amy Siggers herself doing hair for one of the girls. Siggers hairdresser was filled with 82 girsl getting hair and makeup done through out the day.
Once they were done with hair and makeup, the girls headed upstairs where Stanley Leary and I took head shots. Here’s a quick sample of all the beautiful girls there that day.
Over 1400 headshots later, we packed up for the day.
Let me just add one more thing. Not only were these girls patient waiting in long lines for their head shots, they were extreme nice and very considerate. While packing up my equipment, I found a number of ‘thank you’ cards written for me. They were thank you cards from these girls thanking me for taking pictures for them. All I have to say is, their parents must have raised them really well. And I’m sure Pure Fashion had something to do with it too.