Archive for the ‘Portrait’ Category

  • Lillian

    Saturday, November 19th, 2011 at 18:24 | 0 comments
    Categories: Portrait

    I got a chance to photograph Lillian again before the holidays. Poor Lillian was fighting ear pains but she was able to pull out some smiles for me.

  • The Woods

    Sunday, November 6th, 2011 at 01:51 | 1 comment
    Categories: Portrait

    Fall is here in Atlanta and I got a chance to photograph some friends at a nearby park. Here are some of the shots taken at Sims Park.

  • The Alvarez’s

    Sunday, November 6th, 2011 at 01:01 | 1 comment
    Categories: Portrait

    The last time I photographed the Alvarez’s, it was 2006. Since then, I’ve photographed the kids playing football and soccer. So after five years, I get another opportunity to photograph a beautiful family. This time, with such grown kids. But the happy faces are still the same. Here are a few highlights.

  • Kids 2011

    Sunday, October 23rd, 2011 at 23:59 | 0 comments
    Categories: Portrait

    While I had the studio set up for Austin’s marching band photos, I naturally grabbed my girls for a few photos.

  • Marching Band

    Sunday, October 23rd, 2011 at 23:55 | 1 comment
    Categories: Portrait

    These are the final set of photos I took of Austin. No green screen was used with this set.

  • Marching Band and Green?

    Sunday, October 23rd, 2011 at 23:46 | 1 comment
    Categories: Portrait

    It just so happens that the SFHS Band just recent became the 2011 Georgia Bandmasters Champion. Congratulations to the entire band and support crew. Well, Austin is part of that band. So, I decided to take some photos of Austin with a recently bought green screen. All of the following photos were taken in front of the green screen.

    Here’s a close-up of the image to see the result of the removed green screen.

    I’ll post some more photos of Austin later that weren’t taken in front of the green screen.

  • Sawmee Ballet Theatre Headshots 2011

    Sunday, September 11th, 2011 at 00:28 | 0 comments
    Categories: Portrait

    Meet the Sawnee Ballet Theatre Company Dancers of 2011. The Sawnee School of Ballet will be performing the Nutcracker this December. It’s a show worth seeing.

  • Ana Maria

    Sunday, May 15th, 2011 at 21:05 | 1 comment
    Categories: Portrait

    I met Ana Maria and her parents through Lillian’s parents. Ana Maria was really quiet during our session. Turns out, she’s just tired as she fell asleep about half way through. Here are a few shots of Ana Maria.

  • Bye-Bye 8th Grade

    Friday, May 13th, 2011 at 02:04 | 0 comments
    Categories: Portrait

    I think my kids are well aware that if they are going to get dressed up, their dad will bring out the camera. This time, Austin is attending his 8th Grade Dance. Soon, he’ll say good bye to his middle school and head into high school. But before all that, here’s a few snapshots before the dance.

    His sisters are so happy he’s all dressed up.

    Later on that evening, our neighbor, Samantha, stopped by to detail how she danced the night away. She became another victim by being all dressed up.

  • Joiya

    Sunday, May 8th, 2011 at 00:58 | 3 comments
    Categories: Portrait

    I got a chance to sneak in a few photos of Joiya for her First Communion on Mother’s Day weekend. She’s always a great subject to photograph. Here’s a select few of the photos.